We’re currently recruiting new members into the club for 2024 and 2025 expedition teams.


You've built a business that's optimized and earning lots of money, and you're looking for the next phase of optimization for yourself

You always put the needs of your teams - family, work, sports - above your ego, even when it feels like a kick in the dick

You're ok with sleeping in the dirt for days on end, enduring the extreme heat and cold of a remote country, and drink fermented horse milk for dinner

You'd get excited about exploring - getting stuck in a remote jungle and living with village tribe while you wait for the weather to change in your favour

You're ready to show up and help in the extreme desert heat to fix a bike that broke...again

You put a lot of effort into how you're showing up as a partner, a father, and a leader...and you're looking for a group of men who will support you in those areas

Set tough goals for yourself because you enjoy the thrill of a challenge and the excitement of constantly learning new things

Even when you're wrong, kicked down, beaten up, and pissed off, you're humble enough to take feedback and work with your team

Does this sound like you?



We’re a community of guys that are here to support each other in life and leadership. We also just happen to have a shared interest in exploring the world on motorcycles. We have a stringent vetting process to ensure only the right men make it into the club.


We are the only organization in the world that organizes exploratory moto expeditions to new and unique destinations regularly. In addition we get together locally in our home countries to find new places to ride.


But really, the mission of this club is to create a healthy brotherhood that challenges you both abroad and at home. Beyond the expeditions, we meet on bi-weekly calls to elevate how we show up as a husbands, fathers, and leaders. If you're just looking for an opportunity ride fast and party hard, we're not for you.





I agree to terms & conditions provided by the company. By providing my phone number, I agree to receive text messages from the business.


This all sounds great, but what's the fine print?

What will I need to budget to do this?

The cost of an expedition ranges from $6500 - $9,000 USD. Costs depend on country and duration of the trip.

Keep in mind, the cost cover's...


Bike rentals, fuel, all meals, the first round of drinks, accommodations, any boundary crossing fees, logistics help, mechanics, expedition planning, etc. Once you're in country, you shouldn't have to take your wallet for anything. The only thing this doesn't include will be the cost of flights and travel insurance. Plus, we offer monthly pre-payment plans, starting with a $1500 deposit at $500/month.

We run true expeditions, which means that we never go to the same place twice and the logistics involved are far more complex than what a tour company does. We spend a year planning the details with contacts in country and try to think of every possible contingency plan. Most global expedition teams have budgets running into the 100's of thousands of dollars. Luckily, we can run cheaper because we utilize club volunteers. That being said, yeah, it still costs money to do this.

You call yourself a club...what does this mean?

What it really means is that we are a men's club first. Before the motos, before the crazy adventures, before all the unbelievable stories.

Freshline, the name, is a play on a moto term which is finding a new line when you're getting stuck in a rutted out path. What we do is apply that concept to men's lives.

Men need a brotherhood, they need to challenge themselves, they need adventure. They need to test themselves in an environment that isn't shrouded in safety nets and caution signs. They need role models of healthy leadership to model in their own homes and communities.

...and men aren't finding it easy to fill those needs right now.

So we created an environment that supported what we were looking for. And other men followed.

We get members for 2 weeks a year on an expedition, but they get the support of the brotherhood the other 50 weeks.

We host bi-weekly, members-only online 'campfire chats' where we grab a drink discuss challenging questions, set goals, and check in.

We push each other to be more than we are on our own. We challenge each other as husbands, as fathers, as business & team leaders. We hold each other to a standard physically, mentally, emotionally...and we rise together. We never tell each other what to do, but we do challenge each other with thought provoking questions.

To find the right men we actually screen every guy that wants in. We get 60-80 applicants a week. We accept 5 of those to try out at bootcamp as prospects.

In other words, we don't open membership to guys that have big egos, small capacity for stress, or are useless when things go south.

Being a club also means that leading members, not tour guides, do all the booking, planning, and researching so you don't have to. We pride ourselves on EXPLORING destinations together which means that no member or leader will ever do the same route twice.

Lastly we have a back end member portal where guys can set goals, swap questions, share knowledge, organize rides, or find friends to stay with when they travel around the world.

Will I need to ship my bike to the country I am going to?

Nope, we always rent. It would be too risky to ship bikes because they could get held up in customs. Instead, the club leaders organize EVERY last detail of the trip - from renting bikes to insurance to accommodations - we take care of it all. You just have to show up.

How long are expeditions?

Most expeditions are between 10 to 14 days. We usually start an expedition on a Monday and end on the Friday 2 weeks later to allow the weekend for flights/travel time.

Some expeditions can go as long as a month, and members will often organize rides among themselves that run 2-7 days.

How can I learn more? What are next steps?

Fill out the form above. From there, you will be taken to the next page with next steps.

How do I know if this club is for me?

Fill out our forms and we'll send you a detailed explainer video. Watch that and then you can decide if you'd like to apply. If you're growth minded then there's a good chance we're your people. If you're just looking for a place to ride fast and party hard then you probably want to keep looking.

This sounds amazing, but I don't have a lot of riding experience...

We actually have an entire bootcamp dedicated to motorcycle and outdoor training...This bootcamp is so robust in training, that you'd be able to survive Africa's wild. In fact, it's held in Africa. If you'd like more info on that, fill out the form and you'll be taken to another page with more information.

Are you hiring?

Nope, we're not a tour company and we don't have tour guide positions. All of our leader positions are earned by existing members. So please don't fill out the following forms and book a call with our team if you're looking for work.

This sounds amazing, but I don't have a lot of riding experience...

We're not a club of pro riders. We're mostly guys who grew up playing with an old dirtbike on the farm or in the woods.

If you can ride on a dirt road, you've got enough skill for us to work with.

We don't expect anyone to come in with competition enduro riding skills. That's why 95% of our applicants start with our Expedition Bootcamp. If you'd like more info on that, fill out the form and you'll be taken to another page with more information.

Couldn't I just book a tour with my buddies?

I'll say a couple of things about our club and the expeditions.

First, we're a men's club that happens to go on motorcycle expeditions. The core value of the club isn't riding motorcycles, but in being part of a community of men from around the world that support each other through life. We set goals, we challenge each other, and we ride together. Our focus in the club is to be better husbands, fathers, and leaders. Our focus isn't to ride motos.

Second, if you think our expeditions are the same as a tour consider this:

- Every expedition team is led by volunteer leaders who have never been to the region before. In fact, no one on the expedition team will have been to that region.

- Expedition teams have roles. If you're on an expedition team you might be on as a mechanic, medic, cook, videographer, navigator, assistant leader etc.- We intentionally choose routes that are off the typical tourist path. It's not unusual for us to be the first westerners that locals have ever seen.

- All of our expeditions have a mission tied to them which range from delivering medical supplies to water filtration, to searching for ancient ruins.

- Our bootcamps, expeditions and weekly member calls all have campfire chats where we share our deepest insecurities, toughest challenges, biggest dreams and worst fears. In order to trust each other we need to know each other.

- We don't have hard set itineraries. Our expedition teams often change plans and routes on the fly. It's not unusual to not know exactly where you'll be sleeping that night.

- We never run the same route ever again, we're always exploring something new. Which means we don't have established circuits we do again and again.

Pro's of this style:

True exploration, true adventure, you're an equal part of a team and not just following someone's taillight around a country.

Con's of this style:

More dangerous, more contingency planning.

Each expedition takes a year to plan.

We need to vet and train every rider in a bootcamp before they can even join an expedition.

There is a cost to not running the same route again and again.

There's a cost to a global emergency network.

There's a cost to training not just your leader but the entire expedition team.

Some of those costs are passed on the the riders.

In Summary

I promise you that it will be cheaper to buy a flight to Guatemala and rent some motos with your buddies. If you can pull that off then you should totally do that.

Guys come to us when they want to go deeper into the unknown than they've ever gone. They want the confidence of knowing they're working collectively in a team of competent men who have been vetted. They don't want to put up with whiners, or laziness, or incompetence. And most importantly they want men around them who are trained to know what to do when shit hits the fan. Which for the places we go, happens ALL THE TIME.

Our members also want to travel the globe and build a lifetime of adventure stories with a bunch of men they tackle life with together.

Two different approaches, just depends on what you're looking for.

Nope, we're not a tour company and we don't have tour guide positions. All of our leader positions are earned by existing members. So please don't fill out the following forms and book a call with our team if you're looking for work.

Looking for more answers? You can find detailed FAQ, expedition and bootcamp videos on our Freshline Youtube page here:


We’re currently recruiting new members for 2024 and 2025 expedition teams.


  • You're willing to sleep in the dirt for days on end, enduring the extreme heat and cold of a remote country, and drink fermented horse milk for dinner

  • You'd get excited about getting stuck in a remote jungle and living with village tribe while you wait for the weather to change in your favour

  • You're ready to show up and help in the extreme desert heat to fix a bike that broke...again

  • You have a history of using whatever tools you have - rock, shoelace, belt - to jimmy rig your moto back to a running state

  • You'll eat as the locals do even if that's scorpion, ants, zebra, chicken feet, sheep brain, etc

  • Even when you're wrong, kicked down, beaten up, and pissed off, you're humble enough to take feedback and work with your team

  • You always put the needs of the teams - family, work, sports - above your own,
    even when it feels like a kick in the dick

Does this sound like you?



We’re a community of guys that happen to have a shared interest in exploring the world on motorcycles. We have a stringent vetting process to ensure only the right men make our teams.


We are the only organization in the world that organizes expeditions to new and unique destinations to places like Mongolia, Madagascar, Nepal, Patagonia and more. Each month we're exploring new destinations together and never run the same route twice.


But really, we run these expeditions to challenge ourselves and form deep bonds that continue long after you're home. Because we believe that extreme challenges teach you new things about yourself and elevate how you show up as a husband, father, and leader.





I agree to terms & conditions provided by the company. By providing my phone number, I agree to receive text messages from the business.


This all sounds great, but what's the fine print?

What will I need to budget to do this?

The cost of an expedition ranges from $6500 - $9,000 USD. Costs depend on country and duration of the trip.

Keep in mind, the cost cover's...


Bike rentals, fuel, all meals, the first round of drinks, accommodations, any boundary crossing fees, logistics help, mechanics, expedition planning, etc. Once you're in country, you shouldn't have to take your wallet for anything. The only thing this doesn't include will be the cost of flights and travel insurance. Plus, we offer monthly pre-payment plans, starting with a $1500 deposit at $500/month.

We run true expeditions, which means that we never go to the same place twice and the logistics involved are far more complex than what a tour company does. We spend a year planning the details with contacts in country and try to think of every possible contingency plan. Most global expedition teams have budgets running into the 100's of thousands of dollars. Luckily, we can run cheaper because we utilize club volunteers. That being said, yeah, it still costs money to do this.

You call yourself a club...what does this mean?

What it really means is that we are a men's club first. Before the motos, before the crazy adventures, before all the unbelievable stories.

Freshline, the name, is a play on a moto term which is finding a new line when you're getting stuck in a rutted out path. What we do is apply that concept to men's lives.

Men need a brotherhood, they need to challenge themselves, they need adventure. They need to test themselves in an environment that isn't shrouded in safety nets and caution signs. They need role models of healthy leadership in the home and in the community.

...and men aren't finding it easy to fill those needs right now.

So we created an environment that supported what we were looking for. And other men followed.

We get members for 2 weeks a year on an expedition, but they get the support of the brotherhood the other 50 weeks.

We host bi-weekly, members-only online 'campfire chats' where we grab a drink and shoot the 💩💩, set goals, and check in.

We push each other to be more than we are on our own. We challenge each other as husbands, as fathers, as business & team leaders. We hold each other to a standard physically, mentally, emotionally...and we rise together.

To find the right men we actually screen every guy that wants in. We get 60-80 applicants a week. We accept 5 of those to try out at bootcamp as prospects.

In other words, we don't open membership to guys that have big egos, small capacity for stress, or are useless when things go south.

Being a club also means that leading members, not tour guides, do all the booking, planning, and researching so you don't have to. We pride ourselves on EXPLORING destinations together which means that no member or leader will ever do the same route twice.

Lastly we have a back end member portal where guys can set goals, swap questions, share knowledge, organize rides, or find friends to stay with when they travel around the world.

Will I need to ship my bike to the country I am going to?

Nope, we always rent. It would be too risky to ship bikes because they could get held up in customs. Instead, the club leaders organize EVERY last detail of the trip - from renting bikes to insurance to accommodations - we take care of it all. You just have to show up.

How long are expeditions?

Most expeditions are between 10 to 14 days. We usually start an expedition on a Monday and end on the Friday 2 weeks later to allow the weekend for flights/travel time.

Some expeditions can go as long as a month, and members will often organize rides among themselves that run 2-7 days.

How can I learn more? What are next steps?

Fill out the form above. From there, you will be taken to the next page with next steps.

How do I know if this club is for me?

Fill out our forms and we'll send you a detailed explainer video. Watch that and then you can decide if you'd like to apply.

This sounds amazing, but I don't have a lot of riding experience...

We actually have an entire bootcamp dedicated to motorcycle and outdoor training...This bootcamp is so robust in training, that you'd be able to survive Africa's wild. In fact, it's held in Africa. If you'd like more info on that, fill out the form and you'll be taken to another page with more information.

Are you hiring?

Nope, we're not a tour company and we don't have tour guide positions. All of our leader positions are earned by existing members. So please don't fill out the following forms and book a call with our team if you're looking for work.

Looking for more answers? You can find detailed FAQ, expedition and bootcamp videos on our Freshline Youtube page here: